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Weekly Update: May 8th 2024

Another week, another update! This week we’re a bit delayed due to some focus on a really cool feature coming next week… but we’re hoping this lighter update still solves a problem that a lot of you have mentioned to us about. And that’s allowing your customers to “Pay in Full”. There’s some other fixes and enhancements in this week as well.

Focus: Pay in Full

You now have the power to turn on the “Pay in Full” feature, granting your customers the option to fully pay for their appointments at checkout. This functionality not only streamlines the booking process but also instills confidence when confirm appointments, knowing that the entire payment is secured upfront. With “Pay in Full,” both you and your customers can enjoy a smoother, more efficient experience, fostering trust and reliability within our community.

Toggle On/Off the Pay in Full Option

Customers will see the option at Checkout

New Enhancements

Default to Store Logo: Services or Products with no image now default to your store’s logo image. Previously they just show a blank box with the first letter of the service, which wasn’t the prettiest!

Clarified Manual Appointments: We noticed there was some confusion with how a “Provider Pay” manual appointment works, so we updated the wording there. Basically, if you’re paying for the appointment, ChairWatch doesn’t have your customer’s card information, so we will not be able to charge any Late or No Show fees for that appointment, if the need arises.

Store Headers: The top bar of your store front now share an elevated view and a richer shade of your background color. This makes it look a lot better, alongside the fact that your store name and logo are up there as well.

New Fixes
  • Viewing store as customer now correctly brings you to your booking link as a “Guest”, so you’ll get a more accurate view of what your customers would actually be seeing
  • Fixed a typo in the “Build Your Own Store” page for new Service Providers
  • Storefront page galleries no longer show +0 more images, if there are an exact fit of all total images to the screen
  • The available days for a service now contrast with the background color well, so customers can better read the availability during the booking process.

That’s all for now. Stay tuned for next week for a bigger feature drop!

– The ChairWatch Team