This Brand Ambassador Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered into as of Today (Date signed) by and between Chairwatch (“Openchair LLC”) and You (“Brand Ambassador”). By signing this Agreement, both parties agree to the following terms and conditions:
- Engagement
1.1 Position: The Brand Ambassador is appointed to promote the Company’s products and services in alignment with the brand’s mission, goals, and standards.
1.2 Independent Contractor: The Brand Ambassador is an independent contractor and not an employee of the Company.
- Responsibilities
2.1 Promote the Company’s services and initiatives positively and professionally.
2.2 Actively acquire and maintain a network of providers as outlined in the Payment Details section.
2.3 Follow Company-provided guidelines for marketing and outreach.
2.4 Participate in team initiatives and collaborate with other Brand Ambassadors and Company staff.
- Payment Structure
3.1 Payment will be in perpetuity as long as providers acquired by the Brand Ambassador remain active.
3.2 Payment will be calculated based on the following structure:
An “Average Provider” completing 30 appointments per month with a $22.35 deposit per appointment will generate $8.67 per month, per provider, for the Brand Ambassador.
Payment Projections:
10 Providers: $86.70/month = $1,040.40/year
50 Providers: $433.50/month = $5,202/year
100 Providers: $867.00/month = $10,404/year
1000 Providers: $8,670.00/month = $104,040/year
3.3 No qualifiers, caps, or penalties apply. Payments are guaranteed based on active provider performance.
- Conduct and Representation
4.1 Professional Behavior: The Brand Ambassador shall represent the Company in a positive manner at all times.
4.2 Misrepresentation: Any false claims or misrepresentation of the Company’s services will lead to immediate disqualification.
4.3 Fraud and Slander: Engaging in fraudulent behavior or slander against the Company or its affiliates will result in termination of this Agreement.
4.4 Team Initiatives: Failure to participate in team initiatives or undermining team efforts will be grounds for disqualification.
- Disqualifications
The following actions will result in immediate disqualification and termination of this Agreement:
5.1 Failure to adhere to the Company’s brand standards and guidelines.
5.2 Engaging in unethical or illegal practices while representing the Company.
5.3 Misrepresentation, fraud, or slander against the Company or its affiliates.
5.4 Refusal to collaborate with team members or actively obstructing team initiatives.
- Termination
Either party may terminate this Agreement with written notice. However, the Company reserves the right to terminate the Agreement immediately if the Brand Ambassador violates any terms listed under Conduct and Representation or Disqualifications.
- Agreement Highlights
What sets CHAIRWATCH apart from other BA deals:
- Building Together: A collaborative growth model for mutual success.
- Profit Sharing: Payments are shared directly from generated revenue, with no caps or penalties.
- Perpetuity Payments: Earn for life from the providers you acquire and retain.
As long as providers and Brand Ambassadors remain active & responsive, you will continue to receive payment. This transparent, straightforward model ensures consistent and fair compensation.
- Confidentiality
The Brand Ambassador agrees to keep all Company information, including financial details, provider data, and marketing strategies, confidential and secure.
- Governing Law
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [NYC e-commerce Jurisdiction].